set ( "d", 132, 0 ) # set digital join 132 low cip. set ( "d", 1, 1 ) # set digital join 1 high cip. update_request () # note that this also occurs automatically on first connection # for joins coming from this client going to the processor cip. start () # you can force this client and the processor to resync using an update request cip. CIPSocketClient ( "processor", 0x0A ) # initiate the socket connection and start worker threads cip. import cipclient # set up the client to connect to hostname "processor" at IP-ID 0x0A cip = cipclient. Here is a simple example that demonstrates setting and getting join states using this module. Once the control processor has been programmed accordingly, you can communicate with it using the API as described below. This module works by connecting to an "XPanel 2.0 Smart Graphics" symbol defined in a SIMPL Windows program. Pip install python-cipclient Usage and API This module is available throught the Python Package Index, and can be installed using the pip package-management system: Familiarity with and access to Crestron's development tools, processes and terminology are required to configure the control processor in a way that allows this module to be used.

This is a Python-based socket client that facilitates communications with a Crestron control processor using the Crestron-over-IP (CIP) protocol. The author is not affiliated in any way with Crestron with the exception of owning and using some of their hardware.

'XPanel', 'Smart Graphics' and 'SIMPL Windows' are all trademarks of Crestron. NOTICE: This module is not produced, endorsed, maintained or supported by Crestron Electronics Incorporated. A Python module for communicating with Crestron control processors via the