Windows 10 and Windows 7 both come with a dedicated application called ‘Snipping Tool’ to capture any screenshot. Take a screenshot on Windows 7/ 10/ 11 laptop/ PC using app The steps for how to take a screenshot on Windows 7 laptops are the same. There are multiple ways to take a screenshot on Windows 10/ 11-powered laptops/ PCs powered. How to take screenshots on Windows 10/ 11 laptop/ PCs How to take screenshots on macOS laptops/ PCs.Directly save the screenshot on PC using Windows key+PrtScn Windows key+Shift+S, to take a screenshot of a specific portion Capture screenshot of the active window using Alt+PrtScn How to take screenshots on Windows 10/ 11 laptop/ PCs.Hopefully the step-by-step instructions above will help you as a guide to Mac print screen selection. Once you learn how to take screenshots and use the print screen feature on your Mac, it becomes very easy and useful, and you’ll be doing it all the time. These steps will work for the MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, as well as Mac OS Sierra. Check your desktop, and you’ll find a new.You’ll hear a sound like a camera going off, and the screenshot will be taken. When you have selected the area you want to capture, just release your mouse button.Then press down and drag the mouse over the area you want to take a screenshot of.